Default HTTP headers

You can set the HTTP headers of Folder and Project nodes, that will be inherited by child nodes and used in RequestStep nodes requests by default. Let's see how we can set and use default headers.

Defining Default HTTP Headers

You can define your default headers in the Folder node. To do this, click on the Headers button on the Folder node toolbar.

You'll see the default HTTP headers editing dialog:

At the top of the dialog you can see a read-only headers list inherited from parents. Next the chosen Folder node headers are specified. Apart from adding, deleting, editing (including bulk edit), it is possible to disable certain headers which will not be included in the resulting request. Headers state (enabled/disabled) is inherited as well.

You can also override headers in child nodes. For example, setting the Hello, TestMace value to the RootDefaultHeader1 header will override the inherited header, and in child nodes of the chosen Folder node the RootDefaultHeader1 header will have the Hello, TestMace value. Note that the value of the parent RootDefaultHeader1 header will remain unchanged (Hello, world).

Using Default Headers

Default headers are used in RequestStep nodes requests. They are inserted automatically and don't require user interaction. The interface of RequestStep requests headers editing is identical to the one of a Folder node.

Default Headers in the File System

See the file representation of a Folder node. The requestData.headers field is used to store a headers list, and the requestData.disabledInheritedHeaders is used to store disabled headers. The same format applies to RequestStep nodes.

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